Monitor, prove and improve your impact globally.

Impact Atlas is a real-time case management & impact platform, helping you drive better outcomes and more funding to your programs.

Explore Solutions

Report the social impact you always dreamed of:

Get multiple benefits in one tool:

  • Monitor in real-time your activities delivered over a period of time, with multi-dimensional interventions and complex indicators
  • Personalize your services and accelerate your research
  • Create transparency, rich communication & new ways of funding

Beyond M&E

Communicate and capitalize on your impact.

Leverage real-time data and transparency into programs and participants to help you promote confidence in program efficiency and efficacy, drive human storytelling and connection, and compel increased funding.

Activate your vision most efficiently.

The set up of the Impact Atlas platform helps you navigate key strategic considerations of your program(s) design, drive alignment across stakeholders, and cleanly implement workflows, metrics, and target outcomes.

Get the right service to the right people.

Configurable registration and verification process ensures you reach your true target population, group participants into different workflows, and identify early opportunities for program optimization based on population data.

See what's happening in real-time and act on it.

Progressive indicator tracking puts actionable program and individual participant information into the hands of frontline staff and management in real-time so you can adapt and personalize program delivery for maximal outcomes.

Gain essential insights to test, pivot, and manage.

Aggregated and telescoping dashboards help you visualize key trends across cohorts, regions, staff and down to the participant level to gain management efficiency and ensure you deliver the highest quality programs.

Communicate and capitalize on your impact.

Leverage real-time data and transparency into programs and participants to help you promote confidence in program efficiency and efficacy, drive human storytelling and connection, and compel increased funding.

Activate your vision most efficiently.

The set up of the Impact Atlas platform helps you navigate key strategic considerations of your program(s) design, drive alignment across stakeholders, and cleanly implement workflows, metrics, and target outcomes.

See all features

Impact Atlas Enables the Development Ecosystem

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Impact Atlas enables NGOs and governments to reach more people in need, provide better services, and lower the costs of impact and overhead.

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For philanthropic donors, Impact Atlas provides transparency into outcomes and program efficiency, facilitating discovery of best in class programs and validation of investment objectives.

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Impact Atlas fuels operational research and Random Control Trials in parallel, representing the opportunity to augment traditional long-cycle evaluations with real-time insights and learnings.

Flexible Across Industries & Locations

Implemented in 5 continents, Impact Atlas has been built to serve programs of many types all over the world. From Smallholder Agriculture, Ultrapoverty programming to Workforce development, the platform is primmed for outcome driven organizations and funders.

Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung

From initial program design to final reporting, we are excited about the real-time visibility Impact Atlas will give us into our farmer training programs and participant outcomes, so that we ensure we adapt and deliver the best possible impact with the available resources.

Opportunity International

Using Impact Atlas has given Opportunity International critical insights as we roll out our Ultra Poor Graduation program, enabling us to better tailor our services to the specific needs of the families we serve so they can lift themselves out of poverty.

Benckiser Stiftung Zukunft

As a funder, the transparency enabled by Impact Atlas will help us better understand the specific use and impact of our investment, ensuring that our support is tied to effective interventions and the highest quality programming.

Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung

From initial program design to final reporting, we are excited about the real-time visibility Impact Atlas will give us into our farmer training programs and participant outcomes, so that we ensure we adapt and deliver the best possible impact with the available resources.

Opportunity International

Using Impact Atlas has given Opportunity International critical insights as we roll out our Ultra Poor Graduation program, enabling us to better tailor our services to the specific needs of the families we serve so they can lift themselves out of poverty.

Our Expertise

Incubated in Silicon Valley, the Impact Atlas team combines deep experience leading philanthropic large scale initiatives, building technology for change and catalyzing strategic ecosystems for outcomes.